Thursday, May 30, 2013

3D printing: Will the world end or will it be better?

Objects made using 3D Printer
This is 2020. I am about to board my plane for Tokyo. I am at the concourse waiting with other passengers when suddenly a man appears out of nowhere brandishing a weapon, white in color but looking like an assault rifle. Before anyone can react, he starts shooting. There is no fire coming out of the nozzle but bullets do fly past me. Before anyone is seriously wounded, the man is subdued by the authorities and taken away. We are later told that the man was a terrorist who used a “printed version” of an assault rifle which made it impossible to be detected by the airport’s electronic security systems.

This is 2013 and I am not boarding any plane but this does not mean that I am not living in fear anticipating a similar incident in the future because that is very much likely because of a particular technology that has sparked concerns across the world.

A seemingly harmless but era-redefining technology, in existence since 1981, appears to be taking the shape of a formidable threat to the future of the world itself. The severity of the threat can be gauged from the fact that the US Department of Homeland Security published a bulletin highlighting one of the most dangerous uses of the technology – undetectable and unstoppable guns.

Read how 3D printing will impact our world here:

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